Research Staff & Students
Post-doctoral research assistants
Haruhisa Nakamichi. Three-dimensional structure of Mt. Fuji. (Funding source: Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science). Current employment: Professor, Nagoya University, Japan.
Zhijun Du. Structure of the crust and upper mantle of Iceland. (Funding source: NERC & Durham University). Current employment: British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge.
Vera Schlindwein. Crustal structure of Iceland. (Funding source: EC). Current employment: Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany.
Kosuke Heki. Crustal deformation using Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite technology. (Funding source: Wolfson Foundation). Current employment: Professor, Hokkaido University, Japan.
Ph.D. students
Najwa Mhanna. Evolution of seismic structure in geothermal reservoirs under production (with Dr. C. Peirce, Dr. B.R. Julian & Dr. S.A. Mathias).
Sophie Bassett. Remote triggering of volcanic earthquakes and eruptions (with Dr. G. Milne, Durham, and Drs. M.J.S. Johnston & B.R. Julian of the U.S. Geological Survey).
Rashmin C. Gunasekera. Induced seismicity and environmental change at The Geysers geothermal area, California (with Dr. B.R. Julian of the U.S. Geological Survey). Subsequent employment: volcanic hazards research.
Konstantinos Konstantinou. Seismic phenomena associated with the 1996 eruption of Grimsvotn, Iceland (with Dr. B.R. Julian of the U.S. Geological Survey). Subsequent employment: post-doctoral research.
Matthew J. Pritchard. The Iceland hotspot and deep mantle plume: Three-dimensional structure from teleseismic tomography (with Dr. B.R. Julian of the U.S. Geological Survey). Subsequent employment: scientific support computing.
David J. Barton. Systematics of the frequency-magnitude distribution and spatial fractal dimension at The Geysers geothermal area and Long Valley caldera, California (with Dr. J.R. Henderson). Subsequent employment: computer industry.
Alwyn C. Ross. The Geysers geothermal area, California: Tomographic images of the depleted steam reservoir and non-double-couple earthquakes (with Dr. B.R. Julian of the U.S. Geological Survey). Subsequent employment: oil industry.
Angus D. Miller. Seismic structure and earthquake focal mechanisms of the Hengill volcanic complex, SW Iceland (with Dr. B.R. Julian of the U.S. Geological Survey). Subsequent employment: tourist industry (“Geowalks”, Edinburgh)
Kathleen M. Hodgkinson. Crustal deformation in extensional regimes: Iceland, Nevada and SW Turkey. Subsequent employment: lectureship in New Zealand.
Simon D.P. Williams. Current motion on faults of the San Andreas system in central California inferred from recent GPS and terrestrial survey measurements (with Dr. W. Prescott of the U.S. Geological Survey). Subsequent employment: post-doctoral research.
Michelle A. Hofton. Anelastic deformation in Iceland studied using GPS, with special reference to post-tectonic motion following the 1975-1985 Krafla rifting episode, and isostatic rebound. Subsequent employment: post-doctoral research.
Paul R. Field. Crustal structure of the spreading plate boundary in Iceland and the north Atlantic from gravity data (with Prof. R.C. Searle). Subsequent employment: post-doctoral research
Cherry L. Walker. The volcanic history and geochemical evolution of the Hveragerdi region, SW Iceland (with Prof. R.N. Thompson). Subsequent employment: scientific administration.
Stuart K. Arnott. A seismic study of the Krafla volcanic system, Iceland (with Dr. R.E. Long). Subsequent employment: oil industry.
last update 16th June, 2010