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  • Foulger, G.R., 2021. The Plate Theory for Volcanism. In: D. Alderton and S.A. Elias (Editors), Encyclopedia of Geology (Second Edition). Academic Press, Oxford, pp. 879-890, 2021.



  • Gluyas, J.G., Wilson, M.P. and G.R. Foulger, Induced earthquakes in petroleum operations, submitted to Encyclopedia of Petroleum Geoscience, Earth Science Series, Ed. Rasoul Sorkhabi, Springer.
  • Hamilton, L.C., G.R. Foulger, S.R. Hamilton, K.A. Howard & S.A. Stein, Memorial to Warren B. Hamilton, 1925-2018, Geological Society of America Memorials, 48, March 2019.
  • Julian, B.R., G.R. Foulger, N. Mhana, C. Nunn, A. Sabin and D. Meade, Time-dependence of seismic wave speeds in volcanic and geothermal systems, Proceedings, 43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 11-13, 2019 SGP-TR-214, 2019.





Book: Foulger, G.R., M. Lustrino & S.D. King (Eds.) The Interdisciplinary Earth: A volume in honor of Don L. Anderson, GSA Special Paper SPE514, American Geophysical Union Special Publication 71, 366 pp, 2015.

  • Julian, B.R. & G.R. Foulger, Don Lynn Anderson–an obituaryPhysics Today68(11), 61, 2015.
  • Foulger, G.R., M. Lustrino & S.D. King, Preface, in Foulger, G.R., M. Lustrino & S.D. King (Eds.) The Interdisciplinary Earth: A volume in honor of Don L. Anderson, GSA Special Paper SPE514, American Geophysical Union Special Publication 71, 366 pp, 2015
  • Wilson, M., Davies, R, Foulger, G.R., Julian, B.R., Styles, P., Gluyas, J., Almond, S., Anthropogenic earthquakes in the UK and the implications for the exploitation of shale reservoirsMar. Pet. Geol., 68, 1-17, 2015.
  • Foulger, G. R., G. F. Panza, I. M. Artemieva, I. D. Bastow, F. Cammarano, C. Doglioni, J. R. Evans, W. B. Hamilton, B. R. Julian, M. Lustrino, H. Thybo, and T. B. Yanovskaya, What lies deep in the mantle below?Eos, 96, doi:10.1029/2015EO034319, 25 August 2015.
  • Foulger, G.R., R.L. Christiansen and D.L. Anderson, The Yellowstone ‘hot spot’ track results from migrating Basin Range extension, In: The Interdisciplinary Earth: A volume in honor of Don L. Anderson, Eds. Foulger, G.R., Lustrino, M., King, S.D., GSA Special Paper SPE514, American Geophysical Union Special Publication 71, pp 215-238, 2015.
  • Julian, B.R., G.R. Foulger, O. Hatfield, S.E. Jackson, E. Simpson, J. Einbeck and A. Moore, Hotspots in Hindsight, In: The Interdisciplinary Earth: A volume in honor of Don L. Anderson, Eds. Foulger, G.R., Lustrino, M., King, S.D., GSA Special Paper SPE514, American Geophysical Union Special Publication 71, pp 105-122, 2015.
  • Julian, B.R., G.R. Foulger, A. Sabin, N. Mhana, TOMO4D: Temporal Changes in Reservoir Structure at Geothermal AreasProceedings, World Geothermal Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 19-25 April, 2015.


  • Foulger, G.R., B.R. Julian. Non-double-couple earthquakes, in Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering, edited by M. Beer, A. I. Kougioumtzoglou, E. Patelli and S.-K. I. Au, pp. 1-31, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014.
  • Foulger, G.R., B.R. Julian, Maximizing EGS earthquake location accuracies,Proceedings, Thirty-Ninth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 24-26, 2014, SGP-TR-202.





Book: Foulger, G.R., Plates vs Plumes: A Geological Controversy, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978-1-4443-3679-5, pp xi+328, 2010.




Book: Foulger, G.R. and D.M. Jurdy (Eds.), Plates, Plumes, and Planetary Processes, Geol. Soc. Am. Special Paper 430, 998+x pp, 2007.



Book: Foulger, G.R., J.H. Natland, D.C. Presnall and D.L. Anderson (Eds.), Plates, Plumes, and Paradigms, Geol. Soc. Am. Special Paper 388, pp. 881+xi, 2005.








  • Foulger, G.R. and M.A. Hofton, Regional vertical motion in Iceland 1987-1992, determined using GPS surveying, in: Coastal Tectonics, I.S. Stewart and C. Vita-Finzi (Eds.), Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 146, 165-178, 1998
  • Miller, A.D., G.R. Foulger and B.R. Julian, Non-double-couple earthquakes 2. ObservationsRev. Geophys.36, 551-568, 1998
  • Julian, B.R., A.D. Miller and G.R. Foulger, Non-double-couple earthquakes 1. TheoryRev. Geophys.36, 525-549, 1998
  • Foulger, G.R., P.E. Malin, E. Shalev, B.R. Julian and D.P. Hill, Seismic monitoring and activity increase in California caldera, EOS Trans. AGU79, 357-363, 1998
  • Miller, A.D., B.R. Julian and G.R. Foulger, Three-dimensional structure and moment tensors of non-double-couple earthquakes at the Hengill-Grensdalur volcanic complex, IcelandGeophys. J. Int.133, 309-325, 1998
  • Foulger, G.R., B.R. Julian, D.P. Hill, G. Sharer, L.E. Foulger, R. Perlroth, N. Dotson, A.M. Pitt and E. Brodsky, A microearthquake survey of the Mammoth Mountain area, Long Valley caldera, California, summer 1997, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF 98-236, 1998
  • Julian, B.R., A.M. Pitt and G.R. Foulger, Seismic image of a CO2 reservoir beneath a seismically active volcanoGeophys. J. Int.133, 7-10, 1998
  • Longair, M.S., K.A. Whaler, M.J. Penston, D.E. Osterbrock, P.A. Wayman, A. Blain, G. Foulger, G.Q.G. Stanley, R.W. Hilditch, S. Goodwin and S. Lynden-Bell, Meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society, Friday 1997 October 10 at 16(h)00(m) in the Scientific Societies’ Lecture Theatre, Savile Row, Observatory118, 1143, 49-62, 1998





  • Jahn, C-H., G. Seeber, G.R. Foulger and P. Einarsson, GPS epoch measurements spanning the mid-Atlantic plate boundary in northern Iceland 1987-1990, in Gravimetry and Space Techniques Applied to Geodynamics and Ocean Dynamics, Geophysical Monograph 82, IUGG17, 109-123, 1994
  • Arnott, S.K. and G.R. Foulger, The Krafla spreading segment, Iceland : 2. The accretionary stress cycle and non-shear earthquake focal mechanismsJ. Geophys. Res.99, 23,826-23,842, 1994
  • Arnott, S.K. and G.R. Foulger, The Krafla spreading segment, Iceland: 1. Three dimensional crustal structure and the spatial and temporal distribution of local earthquakesJ. Geophys. Res.99, 23,801-23,826, 1994
  • Foulger, G.R., M.A. Hofton, B.R. Julian, C.-H. Jahn and G. Seeber, Regional post-dyking deformation in N.E. Iceland: A third epoch of GPS measurements in 1992, J. Geod. Soc. Japan Spec. Issue, 99-105, 1994
  • Foulger, G.R., The 1992 Basin & Range Province GPS survey: 3. Data processing and results, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF 92-287, pp 39+ii, 1994
  • Foulger, G.R., The 1992 Basin & Range Province GPS survey: 2. The field survey, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF 92-286, pp 21+i, 1994
  • Julian, B.R. and G.R. Foulger, The 1992 Basin & Range Province GPS survey: 1. Point descriptions, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF 92-285, pp 79+ii, 1994


  • Heki, K., G.R. Foulger, O. Alp and M. Ergun, The 1989 GPS Campaign in SW Turkey: Data analysis, in: Permanent Satellite Tracking Networks for Geodesy and Geodynamics, Proceedings of the Int. Assoc. Geod. Symposia 109, Vienna, Austria, Aug. 11-24, 1991, G.L. Mader (Ed.), Springer Verlag, New York, 131-140, 1993
  • Julian, B.R., A.D. Miller and G.R. Foulger, Non-shear focal mechanisms of earthquakes at The Geysers, CA., and Hengill, Iceland, geothermal areas, Trans. Geotherm. Res. Council17, 123-128, 1993
  • Julian, B.R., A. Prisk, G.R. Foulger and J.R. Evans, Three-dimensional images of geothermal systems: Local earthquake P-wave velocity tomography at the Hengill and Krafla geothermal areas, Iceland, and The Geysers, CA., Trans. Geotherm. Res. Council17, 113-121, 1993
  • Heki, K., G.R. Foulger, B.R. Julian and C.-H. Jahn, Plate dynamics near divergent boundaries: Geophysical implications of post-tectonic crustal deformation in NE Iceland detected using the Global Positioning SystemJ. Geophys. Res.98, 14,279-14,297, 1993
  • Foulger, G.R., G. Beutler, R. Bilham, P. Einarsson, S. Fankhauser, W. Gurtner, U. Hugentobler, W.J. Morgan, M. Rothacher, G. Thorbergsson and U. Wild, The Iceland 1986 GPS geodetic survey: Tectonic goals and data processing results, Bull. Geodetica67, 148-172, 1993
  • Foulger, G.R. and S.K. Arnott, Local Tomography: volcanoes and the accretionary plate boundary in Iceland, Seismic Tomography: Theory and Practice, H.M. Iyer and K. Hirahara (Eds.), Chapman and Hall, 644-675, 1993
  • Foulger, G.R. and B.R. Julian, Non-double-couple earthquakes at the Hengill-Grensdalur volcanic complex, Iceland: Are they artifacts of crustal heterogeneity?Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.83, 38-52, 1993


  • Foulger, G.R. and R.E. Long, Non-double couple earthquake focal mechanisms and the accretionary tectonic cycle, in: Volcanic Seismology, IAVCEI Proceedings in Volcanology 3, P. Gasparini, R. Scarpa and K. Aki (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 223-234, 1992
  • Foulger, G.R., C.-H Jahn, G. Seeber, P. Einarsson, B.R. Julian and K. Heki, Post rifting stress relaxation at the accretionary plate boundary in Iceland, measured using the Global Positioning SystemNature358, 488-490, 1992
  • Cameron, B.R., F.S. Cranmer and G.R. Foulger, Shallow structures beneath Heimaey and Surtsey from local gravity data, Surtsey Research Progress Report X, 79-92, 1992


  • Salk, M., G.R. Foulger, M. Ergün and G. Cifci, A GPS geodetic survey of southwest Turkey, Jeofizik4, 49-52, 1990




  • Foulger, G., R. Bilham, W.J. Morgan and P. Einarsson, The Iceland GPS geodetic field campaign l986, EOS68, 1809-1818, 1987
  • Foulger, G.R., A GPS survey of Iceland and the north-Atlantic, Geophys. J. Royal astr. Soc.89, 465, 1987


  • Foulger, G.R., The Hengill geothermal area: Seismological studies 1978-1984, Science Institute report RH-07-84 and National Energy Authority report OS-84073/JHD-12, pp. 196, 1984
  • Foulger, G. and R.E. Long, Anomalous focal mechanism solutions: tensile crack formation on an accreting plate boundaryNature310, 43-45, 1984
  • Foulger, G.R., Seismological studies at the Hengill geothermal area, SW Iceland, Ph.D. thesis, University of Durham, pp 313, 1984


  • Foulger, G.R., Seismicity of the Hengill geothermal area, Iceland, Geophys. J. Royal astr. Soc.73, 299, 1983



  • Einarsson, P., S. Bjornsson, G. Foulger, R. Stefansson and T. Skaftadottir, Seismicity pattern in the South Iceland seismic zone, Earthquake prediction – An International Review, Maurice Ewing, series 4, 141-151, 1981


  • Foulger, G. and P. Einarsson, Recent earthquakes in the Hengill-Hellisheidi area in S.W. Iceland, J. Geophysics47, 171-175, 1980

last update 22nd February, 2017